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AFSA Convention 2022 Registration

AFSA Convention 2022 Registration Form

This form is for all AFSA members (including delegates, alternates and guests), as well as all speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and staff who will be attending the 16th Constitutional Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Please fill in this form and click on SUBMIT to file your registration form. Fields with a RED * are required. If you have any questions, call the AFSA National Office at (202) 986-4209 or e-mail

Address *

Maximum file size: 419.43MB

Please Indicate your Delegate Status
Employment Type
Job Titile
Gender *
Are you a Veteran *
Are you on Twitter?
My Other Social Media
T-Shirt Size Requested - NOTE: These shirts are cut a bit on the small side so consider the next larger size!
Do you have any Dietary Restrictions?

Please indicate which sessions you plan to attend at the convention. You may select one session per time slot. To see the full program and session descriptions in a separate tab click HERE

July 21st 6PM
July 22nd 10:30AM
July 22nd 11:55AM
July 22nd 1PM
To make your $150 payment for the PAC luncheon, you can pay online HERE or make out a check to AFSA PAC and mail to: AFSA-PAC, 815 16th St NW Ste 4125, Washington, DC, 20006. Your cancelled check will be your receipt.
July 22nd 2:15PM
July 22nd 5PM (Optional Activities)
July 23rd 9AM
July 23rd 11:30AM
July 23rd 1PM
July 23rd 7PM
Position your mouse cursor in the signature box below. Press and hold the left mouse button to draw your signature.
**For complete convention program Click Here, convention schedule is subject to change without notice.