*Program subject to change without notice
Countdown to Convention
Click each item below to see full description
To register for the convention, click HERE
Thursday, July 21 - 10AM - 4PM - Attendee Registration and Delegate Credentialing
All delegates and alternates are required to check-in to receive their credentials during this time. It is also open registration for all attendees.
Thursday, July 21 - 5PM - 6PM - Opening of Convention/Opening Ceremonies
Presentation of the colors – Puerto Rico Jr. ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corp)
National Anthem, Presentation of Flag – Local Students
Musical Interlude – Local students
Welcome and Greetings – Miguel Romero Lugo, Mayor of San Juan
Convention Opening and Remarks – Ernest Logan, AFSA President
Thursday, July 21 - 6PM - 8PM - Opening Reception at the Beach Sponsored by CSA, AFSA Local 1
Reception held outdoors at the beach. Food, drinks, entertainment. sponsored by CSA, AFSA Local 1
Friday, July 22 - 7AM - 8AM - Continental Breakfast/Late Registration
Friday, July 22 - 8AM - 8:30AM - Opening Business Meeting
Welcoming Remarks – Leonard Pugliese, AFSA Executive Vice President
Pledge of Allegiance – AFSA Veterans
Greetings from the AFL-CIO
Greetings from Puerto Rico Interim Secretary of Education, Eliezer Ramos
Lauran Cherry, AFSA Secretary-Treasurer – Roll Call
Lauran Cherry, AFSA Secretary-Treasurer – Credentials Committee Report
Len Pugliese – Leonard Pugliese, AFSA Executive Vice President – Report of Officers
Mark Cannizzaro, AFSA Vice President, Chair Rules Committee – Rules Committee Report
Dominic Sacchetti, AFSA Vice President, Chair Resolutions Committee – Resolutions Committee Report
Friday, July 22 - 8:30AM - 9:45AM - Keynote I - Brain Development and its Impact on Emerging Technologies and Education
Paul Nussbaum, Ph.D., ABPP
Friday, July 22 - 9:45AM - 10:15AM - Visit with Exhibitors/Break
Friday, July 22 - 10:30AM - 11:45AM - Plenary Session I -Caring for Yourself and Your Members: Supporting the Mental Health, Self-Care, and Wellness of School Leaders
David Schonfeld, M.D., FAAP, Director, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement, Los Angeles Children’s Hospital
Nathaniel von der Embse, Ph.D., NCSP, Associate Professor, School Psychology, University of South Florida
Ms. Alma Lopez, 2022 School Counselor of the Year by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
Ms. Lauren Parker, National Association of School Psychologists
Mr. Clarence Allen, Principal, South 17th Street School, Newark, NJ, AFSA Local 20
Friday, July 22 - 10:30AM - 11:45AM - Retiree Track Session 1 - Age Proofing Your Home
Jacqueline Massenburg, M. S., CCC-SLP, Owner, Scribe, LLC
Attend this session to learn how to safely equip, update, and age proof your home.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 1. Culturally Responsive Leadership: “How to Bridge the Cultural Disconnect”
Shonta Smith, Ed.D., Chair/Associate Professor, Homes Program Coordinator, Southeast Missouri State University
Increasing numbers of students are struggling in the classroom as a result of inequities in the learning environment. As learning communities become more diverse, the need to develop environments that support the unique cultural needs of all members is more critical. Participants will discuss the foundational elements of culturally responsible pedagogy as a strategy to create a common purpose and develop culturally sensitive action plans and process to establish inclusive learning communities.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 2. Identifying Emerging School Leaders
Mrs. Shirley H. Matthews – Director of ALPAP
Dr. Ramon Gonzalez – ALPAP Mentor Principal
Mr. Christopher Ogno – ALPAP Mentor Principal
Mr. Moses Ojeda – ALPAP Mentor Principal
Join this session to hear from experts on how to identify emerging leaders in your school, and gain the techniques, tips, and strategies to do so successfully.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 3. Get Your Life Back, Without Losing Your Job: Post-Pandemic Self-Care for Education Administrators
Reginald Landeau, Jr., Ed.D., Founder, Inspire Leadership, LLC
The pandemic has exacerbated the stress education administrators already experienced as a part of their responsibilities. Participants will complete personal self-assessments to establish their current baseline and leave with goals and tools to facilitate improved self-care strategies.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 4. Conversations with The Principals Trust
The Principals Trust:
Jamey Jaramillo, Principal, De Portala Middle, San Diego Unified
Melissa Agudelo, Principal, San Diego Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical High School, San Diego Unified
Melissa Roy-Wood, Principal, Franklin Elementary STEAM Magnet School, San Diego Unified
Stephanie Brown, Principal, Lincoln High School, San Diego Unified
Cynthia Larkin, Ed.D., Principal, Morse Senior High, San Diego Unified
Nina Dixon-Mauricia, Principal, Linda Vista Elementary, San Diego Unified
Storytelling can be a powerful tool to examine leadership health and wellness. The session will be a powerful tool that empowers and begins to break down walls of isolation.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 5. Beyond the individual: how to create a supportive culture and organizational structure to promote staff wellness in your school
Ms. Alma Lopez, 2022 School Counselor of the Year by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
Ms. Lauren Parker, National Association of School Psychologists
Mr. Clarence Allen, Principal, South 17th Street School, Newark, NJ
We all know the job of school leaders is very challenging, even in normal times. This has been exacerbated over the last two years of the pandemic. School leaders face enormous amounts of stress and impossible challenges every day. Join this conversation and hands on session, to dig deeper, and learn how to support yourself and your member’s mental health and well-being.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 6. Focus on individual impact and personal/individual response
David Schonfeld, M.D., FAAP, Director, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement, Los Angeles Children’s Hospital
Nathaniel von der Embse, Ph.D., NCSP, Associate Professor, School Psychology, University of South Florida
Ms. Irene Hightower, Principal, Hancock Elementary, San Diego, CA, AFSA Local 134
Attend this workshop to better understand the challenges school districts face in supporting school leaders, and how to overcome them so that the mental health, and personal well-being of school leaders and staff are improved.
Friday, July 22 - 11:55AM – 12:55PM - Concurrent Workshops 7. Retiree Track Session 2 - Mobilizing Retirees for Political Action
Mark Brodsky, Director Retiree Chapter at Council of School Supervisors & Administrators, AFSA Local 1
As a retiree your experience is invaluable. Learn how to use this wealth of knowledge and gain the skills to assist your local in political advocacy.
Friday, July 22 - 1PM - 2PM - PAC Luncheon
Rep. Jamaal Bowman, 16th Congressional District, New York
Friday, July 22 - 2:15PM - 3:15PM - Plenary Session II - Labor Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
David Grandwetter, ESQ, General Counsel, AFSA Local 1
Robin Burns, BS, BSN, RN, District of Columbia Nurses Association, AFL-CIO
Tony Spruill, Operations Supervisor, Transportation/Busing, AFSA Local 109
Please join this panel of experts who will share with you how they and their union members survived and thrived during the Pandemic, and beyond. How did you get an MOU, additional compensation or other benefits for your members related to the pandemic? The critical operations of Transportation/busing. Discussion the labor issues affecting other unions. Specifically, the United Nurses Association.
Friday, July 22 - 2:15PM - 3:15PM - Retiree Track Session 3 - Mental Wellness – Life Journey in Retirement
Jacqueline Massenburg, M. S., CCC-SLP, Owner, Scribe, LLC
In this session participants will reflect and discuss ways to adapt and enhance their journey through retirement by focusing on their physical, mental and social wellbeing.
Friday, July 22 - 3:15PM - 3:45PM - Visit with Exhibitors/Break
Friday, July 22 - 3:45PM - 4:30PM - Keynote II - Deputy Secretary of Education
Cindy Marten
Friday, July 22 - 4:30PM - 4:45PM - Business Meeting - Resolutions
Friday, July 22 - 5PM - 7PM - Time on Your Own
Take this time to explore San Juan on your own.
Friday, July 22 - 5PM - 7PM - Fun at the Caribe HIlton
Mixology – Demonstration and refreshments
Intergenerational Dancing – Combination of the Macarena, Cupid Shuffle, Wobble and Electric Slide – Chanel Smith, Health and Wellness Professional and Owner, Sound Body Solutions, LLC
Movie Screening – “Defining US; Children at the Crossroads” with discussion by Kim Adams
Saturday, July 23 - 7AM - 8AM - Continental Breakfast
Saturday, July 23 - 8AM - 9AM - Opening Session
Lauran Waters-Cherry, AFSA Secretary-Treasurer, Presiding
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction – Ernest Logan, AFSA President
Greetings from Labor
Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO
Fred Redmond, Secretary-Treasurer/Executive Vice President, AFL-CIO
Robert Roach, President, Alliance for Retired Americans
Clayola Brown, President, A. Philip Randolph Institute
Saturday, July 23 - 9AM - 10AM - Plenary Session 3 - Lifting the Bar Intervention!
Dr. Greg Mariotti Walton, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Anmol Gupta, Research Coordinator, Stanford University
Alicia Mitchell, Division Director, Alameda County Probation Department
Saturday, July 23 - 9AM - 10AM - Retiree Track Session 4 - Ways to Release Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Attend this session to learn real life ways to cope and handle stress in your daily lives
Saturday, July 23 - 10AM - 10:15AM - Business Meeting - Resolutions
Saturday, July 23 - 10:15AM - 11:30AM - Visit with Exhibitors/Break
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 1. Lifting the Bar Intervention! Follow - up session to continue the general session
Dr. Greg Mariotti Walton, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Anmol Gupta, Research Coordinator, Stanford University
Alicia Mitchell, Division Director, Alameda County Probation Department
An interactive session around building shared goals to among partners with different institutional roles.
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 2. Just Got Elected - Now What?
Bruce Bryant, Esq., AFSA General Counsel
Being a new president, officer, or board member, comes with a lot of aspirations and expectations. Join seasoned leaders as they share their experiences on how to optimize your time in office.
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 3. Politics 1 on 1 with Gabe and Jon
Jon Bernstein, AFSA Lobbyist
Conversations referencing ever evolving political hot topics
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 4. Identifying and Developing Emerging Union Leaders
Mark Cannizzaro, AFSA Vice President, President, AFSA Local 1
Lauran Cherry, AFSA Secretary-Treasurer
Donis Coronel, Executive Director, AFSA Local 134
Eric Rowe, Co-President, AFSA Local 136
Dominic Sacchetti, President, AFSA Local 6
Carver Farrow, President, AFSA Local 101
Join a conversation with new and experienced union leaders, to gain a better understanding how to identify and prepare your local’s next generation of leaders
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 5. Federal Student Loans Simplified!
Join this workshop to learn how you, your members, and your colleagues can achieve significant relief from student loan debt
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 6. Creating the Conditions to Promote Inclusive Excellence in Educational Spaces
School communities should be places where students, faculty, and staff feel appreciated, celebrated, and safe. These are all attainable goals if the foundation to support their attainment has been firmly established. Participants will engage in an interactive dialogue on the competencies administrators need to foster inclusive environments.
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 7. How to Build the School Leader Brand in Your Community
Craig DiFolco, Director of Communications, Council of School Supervisors and Administrators. AFSA Local 1
Join this workshop to learn how to build the school leader brand in your local and in your community.
Saturday, July 23 - 11:30AM – 12:30PM - Concurrent Workshops 8. Retiree Track Session 5 Financial Wellness. Learn how to plan for your retirement Income, Wills, Trusts and Estates
Saturday, July 23 - 12:30PM – 2:30PM - Luncheon and Visit with Exhibitors
Saturday, July 23 - 2:30PM – 3:00PM - Group picture wear your AFSA T-Shirts
Saturday, July 23 - 3PM – 5PM - Convention Business Meeting
Election of Officers
Installation of Officers